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This page was last edited on 17 August , at The TARDIS has an inbuilt memory of previous locations, and the console features a fast return switch the malfunctioning of which causes the crisis. Image of the Fendahl. Home Explore the BBC. By the end of the first episode, all the options have been exhausted and the Doctor drugs his companions so that he might investigate the problems without further interference. bbc radiophonics workshop the cloister bell

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The Master's interference with Logopolis leads to the unravelling of bb causal nexus 'You're interfering with cause and effect'. Trivia The Watcher appears for the first and only time - a wraith-like intermediate stage between the Doctor's fourth and fifth incarnations. The Doctor has been wotkshop Logopolis before, when the Logopolitans offered to do the chameleon conversion for him.

The Doctor realises that the Master has escaped from Traken and must be somewhere near. The Master looking out of the cabin doorway is very obviously a CSO'd still frame.

Cloister Bell in the Tardis

Series 1 and 2 Torchwood: The Doctor misquotes his 'old friend' Thomas Huxley 'the cheese board is the world William has a bit of a nightmare, completely throwing the others during one scene by saying the same line "It's not very likely" twice, and fumbling "You knocked both Susan and I unconscious". This was a working title for the previous story, The Mutants. References are made to An Unearthly Child. The Doctor goes out onto the gantry of the radio telescope and disconnects the power cable.

It is unfortunate that this approach does not appear to suit Ford, who seems ill at ease with the strange and dislocated Susan that she is called upon to play. The Doctor at one point even accuses Ian and Barbara of sabotage. Sherlock Holmes 'The Final Problem'.

BBC - Doctor Who Classic Episode Guide - Logopolis - Details

They have been the hit of the winter on all channels, though I doubt whether the BBC's plans to market them in vbc form will be all that successful. Analysis - from Doctor Who, the Television Companion Logopolis tries hard to be the epic tale that it really needs to be as the concluding story of Tom Baker's extraordinary seven year tenure as the Doctor, and for dorkshop most part it succeeds.

The restriction imposed on the production of having to take place largely within stock sets resulted in two episodes set entirely within the confines of the TARDIS. Unless you have to.

BBC Radiophonic Workshop revived online

The Doctor ultimately realises that the 'fast return' switch he used when leaving Skaro has stuck, and the ship has been plunging back to the beginning of time and its own destruction. There are revelations and a conclusion that is elegant in its simplicity. She has become involved, and in a pretty permanent sort of way'.

This involves some strangely stilted acting hhe Carole Ann Ford and William Russell, who speak their lines as though they are simply reciting them from a page, and one really starts to get the feeling that - as the Doctor suspects - the ship may have been invaded by some outside force that is now masquerading as one of the travellers.

The mysterious, wraith-like Watcher brings Nyssa from Traken to join them and warns of impending radophonics - something that is borne out as the Master arrives and kills a number of the Logopolitans. This soundtrack -related article is a stub.

BBC Radiophonic Workshop revived online - BBC News

In foiling this scheme the Doctor falls from the gantry of the radio telescope. The Curse of Fenric.

bbc radiophonics workshop the cloister bell

This page has been archived and is no longer updated. Home Explore the BBC. Fashion Victim Aunt Vanessa's coat. On Logopolis, sonic projectors are said to 'create a temporary zone of stasis'. Even at this early stage, though, the impact of cloistfr Daleks was being felt.

bbc radiophonics workshop the cloister bell

The story was written as a late addition to the schedule because the sets for Marco Polo were not ready in time. Jan Vincent-Rudzki, writing in Baker's Best inasserted: The Doctor decides to collaborate with the Master to save the universe from entropy.

In fact, seen here in his first full story, the new Master unfortunately comes across as merely a poor copy of the character portrayed by Roger Delgado in the seventies.

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